Accidentes Automovilísticos

Nuestros abogados de accidentes automovilísticos del Condado de Orange entienden que una lesión grave puede tener un tremendo impacto en su vida. Los residentes de California que murieron o resultaron heridos en un accidente automovilístico pueden dirigirse a nuestra empresa para obtener representación. Nuestros abogados de accidentes automovilísticos trabajan diligentemente para representar a los clientes cuando han sufrido lesiones graves en un accidente automovilístico causado por conductores negligentes.

Nuestro bufete de abogados simpatiza con la variedad de impactos que un accidente automovilístico puede tener en una familia, incluidas las implicaciones emocionales, prácticas y físicas. Invitamos a las personas que resultaron gravemente heridas en un accidente automovilístico a comunicarse con nuestra oficina para una consulta gratuita con un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos para analizar las vías de recuperación financiera y sus opciones legales.

Common Car Accident Causes in California

Safe driving is the responsibility of the driver, even in light of the many technological advances that have allowed us to reduce crashes. Every driver must drive carefully, and failure to do so leaves that driver responsible for any consequences of the resulting accident. If they injure someone, they ought to pay for it.

Despite the risks and even when faced with the possibility of so much loss, people continue to make risky decisions when they get behind the wheel. According to data evaluated by the Insurance Information Institute, the following types of driver behavior are commonly involved in severe car accidents:






auto injury cases



lose their lives

Hit & Run


drivers flee


As many as 28% of traffic fatality accidents involve speeding. (NHTSA, 2014 study)

Speeding: As many as 28% of traffic fatality accidents involve speeding. (NHTSA, 2014 study)

Distracted Driving

Distractions, such as cell phones, were responsible for 3,477 traffic fatalities and 391,000 auto injury cases in 2015, according to the NHTSA.

Distracted Driving: Distractions, such as cell phones, were responsible for 3,477 traffic fatalities and 391,000 auto injury cases in 2015, according to the NHTSA.

Drunk Driving

40 % of all traffic-related fatalities were alcohol-related.

Drunk Driving: 40 % of all traffic-related fatalities were alcohol-related.


An estimated 11,000 people lose their lives annually due to motor vehicle accidents involving aggressive driving, according to the NHTSA.

Aggression:An estimated 11,000 people lose their lives annually due to motor vehicle accidents involving aggressive driving, according to the NHTSA.

Drug Impairment

While it’s difficult to detect due to limited roadside testing abilities, a survey completed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse concluded that more than 10 million people admitted to driving while under the influence of illegal drugs

Drug Impairment:While it’s difficult to detect due to limited roadside testing abilities, a survey completed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse concluded that more than 10 million people admitted to driving while under the influence of illegal drugs

Inexperienced Drivers

Teenage drivers consistently have higher accident rates than older drivers. According to the CDC, drivers 16 to 19 years old are three times more likely to die in a car crash compared to a driver over 20.

Inexperienced Drivers: Teenage drivers consistently have higher accident rates than older drivers. According to the CDC, drivers 16 to 19 years old are three times more likely to die in a car crash compared to a driver over 20.


A 2014 study prepared by AAA concluded that 21% of fatal traffic accidents were related to fatigued drivers.

Fatigue: A 2014 study prepared by AAA concluded that 21% of fatal traffic accidents were related to fatigued drivers.

Hit & Run

Even when the law requires drivers involved in an accident to stay at the scene, an investigation by USA Today found that nearly 1,500 drivers flee the scene of a fatal crash each year.

Hit & Run: 6Even when the law requires drivers involved in an accident to stay at the scene, an investigation by USA Today found that nearly 1,500 drivers flee the scene of a fatal crash each year.

Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics in California

California Department of Transportation records indicates that 3,680 people were killed in auto accidents throughout the state in 2016. Orange County saw the 10thhighest number of collisions, fatalities, and severe injuries among 58 counties of the state, with 23,103 reported death and injuries, of which 3,223 were deemed significant. Meanwhile, in the same year, more than 40,000 people across the United States were killed in traffic-related incidents. According to assessments made by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, these accidents amount to a massive $871 billion in damages each year.

Injuries Commonly Sustained in California Auto Crashes

While there can be no denying the impact of the loss of a loved one killed in a car accident, Jimmie Kang Injury Law Firm remains committed to helping individuals who have had their lives impacted by serious injuries from automobile crashes.

According to California Highway Patrol datain 2015, 254,561 people were injured to some extent in a vehicle-related incident, and 11,755 sustained a significant injury that prevented them from participating in the normal day-to-day activities that they enjoyed before the accident. This is categorized as an “A-type” injury crash. Some of these life-changing injuries may include:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Fractured Bones
  • Joint injury
  • Paralysis
  • Burns
  • Amputation of limbs
  • Death
An “A-type” injury crash

Regardless of the scope of your injury, we can help you. Our Orange County based attorneys work with some of the most respected physicians in Southern California, who we retain as consultants and expert witnesses in auto accident cases. We believe that this helps convey the extent of your injury to an insurance adjuster, judge, or jury evaluating your case.

Types of Car Accidents in California

To recover compensation for injuries, you must first establish that the other driver involved caused the crash. Proving fault or negligence can be relatively straightforward or complicated depending upon the details of the collision.

Here are some examples of types of car accident cases where driver negligence may be established based on an accident report or police investigation.

  • Rear-End Crashes
  • Head-On Impacts
  • Hit-and-Run
  • Side Swipe
  • Intersection Accidents
  • Rollover
  • Left-Turn
  • Vehicle Defects

Laws Applicable to People Injured in California Car Accidents

Ignorance of the law can hurt you if you are injured in a car accident in California. While many laws apply to specific situations (and you should speak to an attorney to confirm how the law applies to your case), you should be aware that you must file a lawsuit for personal injuries within two years of the accident. If you do not file a lawsuit for your injuries within the statute of limitations, you will be forever barred from doing so.

Any person involved in a car accident in California would do well to contact an injury lawyer and to review the California Motor Vehicle Code, which enumerates the responsibilities of drivers in California.

You should also know that California has adopted a modified comparative fault doctrine for cases such as auto crashes. When making a car accident injury claim, the damages you are entitled to receive will be reduced by the percentage of fault allocated to you. For instance, if you are deemed to be 20% at fault for a car accident, you can recover 80% of the damages entitled to you. Bear in mind that if you are more than 50% at fault for an accident, you will be completely barred from recovery. Consequently, it is essential to fully evaluate the liability aspects of car accident cases and establish fault early on.

California car accident victims are entitled to recover compensation for the following types of economic and non-economic losses:

Medical Expenses

Immediate out-of-pocket expenses for charges related to ambulance transport, emergency room care, doctor visits, surgery, medications, hospital care, and physical therapy are all recoverable. When future care is required, these expenses are also recoverable.

Medical Expenses

Lost Wages

When an injury prevents you from working or prohibits you from returning to the job you had before the accident, the law allows you to recover past and future wages and related benefits (health insurance, retirement contributions, etc.).

Lost Wages

Pain and Suffering

This type of non-economic damages addresses the pain you experienced as a result of injuries sustained in an accident. In a jury trial, an award would be given based on the testimony of the injured party and their physicians.

Pain and Suffering


When an accident has left a person with scarring or other visible injuries, a claim for disfigurement may be presented.



When a person cannot attend to the activities they were able to before an accident, a claim for disability may be presented.


Wrongful Death

For the family of a person killed in a car accident, the Illinois Wrongful Death Act allows recovery for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and the loss of consortium (companionship).

Wrongful Death

Property Damage

This includes damage to the vehicle involved in the collision as well as any personal property damaged in a crash, such as cell phones, computers, or other personal belongings.

Property Damage

Emotional Distress

Damages may be awarded for feelings of fright, nervousness, and stress following a severe accident.

Emotional Distress

Punitive Damages

In cases where the driver was incredibly reckless, a judge may allow punitive damages to be pursued. Unlike compensatory damages, this type of damages is intended to punish the other party. Punitive damages may be awarded in drunk driving cases or different situations involving extreme recklessness.

Punitive Damages

Why You Need an Experienced Law Firm to Represent Your Interests

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Car insurance companies make money by taking in premiums and paying out as little as possible in claims, and that frequently means that legitimate claims for car accident injuries are drastically minimized in their severity and value. As a person injured in an accident, you need to acknowledge that your interests and those of the insurance company conflict from the start. One of the ways you can ensure that your case is valued fairly is by having a personal injury lawyer experienced with these claims represent you.

At Jimmie Kang Injury Law Firm, we not only have experience negotiating full and fair settlements with insurance companies, but we also have experience in the courtroom. We are not afraid to take insurance companies to court when they are not evaluating our clients’ cases properly. We’ve taken on big insurance companies

Car Accident Settlements



HUGO P, FILE NO. 6100216



JULIE L. FILE NO. 6031811



JUL K. FILE NO. 6260108



JOHN Y, FILE NO. 6181113










Uninsured Drivers: Against the Law and a Danger to All

By law, all drivers in California are required to carry liability insurance coverage of $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident, according to the California secretary of state. Despite these requirements, more than 15% of drivers on California roads and highways operate vehicles without any liability insurance, according to data from the Insurance Research Council.

Preparing Each Case to go the Distance to Trial

Every car accident case that our auto accident lawyers in Orange County take on is prepared as though it is going to trial. While the majority of these cases will be settled outside of court, our auto accident injury lawyers believe that thoroughly preparing car accident cases is in the clients’ best interest. We find that investing the time and resources in cases frequently results in larger settlements and allows us to proceed to litigation with confidence, as we know we have the tools needed to win your case.

Our law firm regularly takes the following steps to investigate and prosecute car accident cases:

  1. Collects police reports
  2. Talks to witnesses and secures statements from them
  3. Photographs the scene of the crash, damage to vehicles, and injuries to people involved
  4. Orders medical records and bills
  5. Hires accident investigators to determine how a crash likely occurred
  6. Meets with treating physicians and has them prepare reports to address causation and permanency of injuries
  7. Retrieves data from black-box computers
  8. Communicates directly with insurance companies involved

Get a Free Review of Your Car Accident Case Today

Jimmie W. Kang

If you have questions about your situation or are ready to hire an attorney, we invite you to contact Jimmie Kang Injury Law Firm today for a free case review with a car accident lawyer. Car injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is never a legal fee charged until we are successful in a recovery on your behalf. Put another way, you have nothing to lose by hiring our law firm to represent you.

For information on other types of motor vehicle injury cases, please visit the pages below, where you will find more comprehensive materials on these topics.

Truck Accidents
Truck Accidents

California Truck Accident Lawyers

Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle Accidents

California Bicycle Accident Attorneys

TMotorcycle Accidents
TMotorcycle Accidents

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Uber Accidents
Uber Accidents

California Uber & Ride Share Car Accident Lawyers

Bus Accidents
Bus Accidents

California Bus Accident Attorneys

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