How Much do I Need to Pay Upfront to get my Orange County Truck Accident Injury Case Started?

If you hire a qualified personal injury firm, you won’t need to pay anything upfront to get your Orange County truck accident injury case started. We will prepare and present your case for free until you get the award that you deserve!

Here’s How We Can Work For You For Nothing Upfront!

Our office does not charge for the initial consultation to discuss your case, and if we handle your Orange County truck accident case, it is done on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not pay any upfront fees for our services. In fact, unless we get a financial recovery for you, you will not pay any legal fees. We arrange to work this way because we know that truck accidents come with tremendous costs: hospital bills, ambulance bills, long-term rehabilitation, lost income, property damage, the list goes on and on. Therefore, we don’t want to get in the way. We want to be part of the solution. By fighting for your rights on contingency, we make sure that you get to the recovery you need as quickly as possible.

What Costs Are Involved In California Truck Accident Cases?

Despite all of the attention that trials get, the real work in Southern California truck accident cases is mainly done behind the scenes. That’s where all of the real work happens. It’s the investigation, discovery, and analysis critical to the formation of any successful lawsuit. Consequently, it’s where many of the bills rack up. Here are some things that must be paid for in order to succeed on your California truck accident case.

  • Court Costs: Every time you file a case, serve someone, make a motion or do just about anything during trial, the court will normally charge you for it.
  • Witnesses: When you think of witnesses, you probably think of the people that saw the accident take place. They’re important but you’ll also need experts to testify on your behalf and they’re very expensive-sometimes almost $1,000 per hour.
  • Staff: It takes a lot of people to make all the calls, copy all the documents, and conduct all of the examinations in order to win a California truck accident case and they don’t work for free.
  • Miscellaneous: There are dozens of other, miscellaneous costs involved in California truck accident cases like travel expenses, copying bills, and other things.

I know these costs might sound daunting but they’re fairly typical and should be taken care of by the firm that handles your case. If you would like to know more about what it takes to mount a claim for damages in a truck accident suit, contact our offices.

Wondering If You Can Bring A Claim For Truck Accident Injuries?

Jimmie Kang Law Firm can show you how easy it can be to bring a claim in California for truck accident injuries. Then, like everyone else we represent, we can fight for your rights on contingency so that you don’t have to pay a dime if we’re not successful. Call us today to hear about how we can help you if you’ve been involved in a truck crash. Jimmie Kang Law Firm represents many different kinds of personal injury victims and we can assist you too!

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