What Should I Bring to my Initial Consultation With my Attorney?

You should bring all of the records, notes, recollections and any other relevant items that you may have to your initial consultation with the attorney.

Meeting With Your Lawyer To Open An California Truck Accident Case

The more information or documentation you can provide to get the case started, the better equipped your attorney will be to make an assessment on your case. However, schedule your appointment whether you have documentation or not. Some useful documentation that you should bring if possible is:

  • Police reports on the accident
  • Any medical records, including x-rays, CT scans, MRI’s, and medical bills.
  • Written personal account of the accident and subsequent injuries/treatments
  • Any photos of the accident scene or injuries
  • Name, address and phone number of any witness to the accident

Anything you do not bring to the first meeting with your attorney can always be collected at a later date. Remember though that it is critical to gather and preserve evidence at the scene of the accident in an accurate and comprehensive manner.

What Should I Do After I’m In A Truck Accident?

Federal regulations require certain facts to be kept by bother parties (i.e. routes, engine, and other logs), but many drivers do not do so and will obfuscate your ability to get that information. Therefore, at the scene, give the police a full and complete account of what happened in private. Then, make note and take pictures of anything you think is important. This information will help you rebut the arguments made by the other drivers as well as alleviate your liability if you are found responsible because you can still get damages for the amount of their complicity.

How Do I Know If My Truck Accident Case Will Succeed?

While it’s impossible to predict with absolute certainty whether you will win or lose your California truck accident lawsuit, there are some bell weather indicators that can help you better understand how much success you can have in court. Take a look at these issues to figure out what might be possible in your truck accident case:

  • Was the driver working at the time of the accident and en route to a worksite?
  • Was the driver speeding at the time of the accident or under the influence?
  • Did the accident happen because of a product malfunction such as a defective tire, seatbelt, or other item?
  • Did the driver fail to signal prior to colliding with you?
  • Did the driver leave his/her lane and sideswipe you or run head on into you?

Don’t Know What To Do After A Truck Accident In California?

Jimmie Kang Law Firm meets with accident victims all across California including those involved in truck collisions. We know that all of the forms, laws, and requirements can be confusing even overwhelming if you’ve never done it before. That is why we sit down with every one of our clients to walk them through the entire path of their case and explain exactly what we need to do to be successful. Plus, we’ll do it for free until you’re happy with the award or settlement. Want to hear what you can recover under California law? Then call Jimmie Kang Law Firm today to find out!

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