Diminution of Value Claims

Diminution of value claims lawyers in California

Most Americans, including many personal injury attorneys have never considered making a claim for Diminished Value, and more importantly, the financial compensation that comes with it after an auto accident. You will see why the auto insurance industry would prefer to keep it that way.

The value of a used car with a history of an accident is diminished

While a spotless auto body repair can make your vehicle look and function the way it did when you bought it, its value is dictated by buyer perception. Anyone shopping for a vehicle can access its history. When they see that repair work has been done, the natural inclination is to pass over it and look for another vehicle.

Generally, even if your vehicle has been repaired perfectly, the value of a used car with a history of an accident is diminished in comparison to a used car that has never been involved in an accident.

According to used car dealers, a car with an accident on the vehicle history report simply does not command the same resale price.

At the Law Offices of Jimmie Kang, we may be able to get you reimbursed for the diminution of value claim under certain conditions. Call my office for details.

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