Uber and Lyft

Orange County UBER/LYFT ACCIDENTS Lawyers

When you use an Uber/Lyft, unfortunately, accidents can happen. Whether the Uber/Lyft driver or a third party is at fault, you are a non-negligent passenger and you have a right to make a claim for your injuries.


Uber/Lift does have an auto accident policy. If you are riding in either Uber or Lyft and the vehicle gets into an accident that causes passengers injuries, the policy covers the driver up to $1 million in liability in certain scenarios. Under California law, companies like Uber and Lyft are considered transportation network companies (TNCs). If the driver who caused the accident does not have insurance or is underinsured, the rideshare company’s UM/UIM policy would generally cover the damages, up to the $1 million per accident limit.

Uber drivers in California will be categorized as independent contractors, rather than employees.The companies like Uber and their drivers are now required by law to carry accident insurance; however, for the period when the driver is logged on but hasn’t yet gotten a call, the law requires $300,000 in coverage.


UBER/LYFT ACCIDENTS Lawyers in California

Our experienced personal injury law firm will thoroughly review the facts in regard to the UBER accidents and relevant parties in order for us to find out the negligent actions. We have the experience, knowledge, and resources necessary to hold comprehensive investigations into all the elements of your case.

We’ve recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients, and we’re ready to put that experience to work for you.

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